C&P History and team
C & P s.r.l. is the product of a natural process of evolution of the company founded as “Ing. Roberto Cincotti” in 1971, which became “Ing. Roberto Cincotti srl” in 1979 and subsequently “Cincotti & Partners – Professional Association” in 2006.
C & P s.r.l. utilizes the structure created and experimented in 45 years of business under its previous forms and company names and therefore, now in its current configuration, the office and the personnel have remained the same, though in evolution, affording, in fact, a guarantee of continuity and the full application of “know-how” gained through many years of experience.
All of the senior operatives have a degree in Engineering from Milan’s Polytechnical University. They are licensed professionals and are enrolled in the Order of Engineers. They also have received an advanced degree entitled “Master in Insurance Engineering – Loss Adjustment”, from the same University, offered as a part of the specialized courses organized by CINEAS (Consorzio Universitario per l’Ingegneria nelle Assicurazioni – University Consortium for Engineering in Insurance).
C & P s.r.l. since July 2016 operates throughout Italy, and pratically worldwide as a result of a international collaboration agreement signed with BUREAU VERITAS ITALIA which has operational technical availability in 146 countries, counting on about 66,000 employees, including 600 only in Italy.