The Operational Area at a glance
C & P s.r.l. mainly deals with Loss Adjustment in Specialty Claims, that is, their assessment and liquidation in relation to direct material losses and to indirect losses due to the interruption of business.
The claims handled most frequently refer to fires, explosions, catastrophic natural disasters (such as: floods, inundations, earthquakes) and non-catastrophic natural events (such as: overflows, atmospheric events, loss of cooling) and, generally, to all those events covered by the guarantees given in the fire and all-risk policies on the market.
Similarly, for claims for theft in civil, commercial and industrial liabilities with a particularly specialized sector related to liabilities connected to the Credit Institution business where the most critical issues concern “employee disloyalty” and “Cyber Risk”.
The profession of loss adjusting, therefore, deals with the sectors of industrial risk, commercial risk, real estate risk, engineering risk, and civil liability, in their entirety, with particular attention given also to General Liability and to Product Liability, a sector which is extremely current and the subject of important development and interest, and to professional liability.
Considering the technical training of the components of the staff, particular attention has been dedicated to the more complex specialist areas such as “business interruption damages” and “technological damages”.
Property Damages concerning these policy types
- All Risks on National and International Insurance Programs
- Industrial Risk
- Ordinary Risk
- Theft
- Block Police Jeweleries
Business Interuption Damages concerning these policy types
- LOP (Loss of profit)
- Contribution Margin
Engineering Damages concerning these policy types
- CAR ( Contractor’s All Risks)
- Decennial Warranty
- EAR (Erection All Risks)
- Electronic
Other kind of losses
- General Liability
- Product Liability
- Professional Liability
- BBB (Blancher’s Blanchet Bond)
- Aviation
C & P s.r.l. scan also act as consultants to meet other needs of the market such as:
- Estimates and appraisals for insurance purposes
- Appraisals for mergers and acquisitions of companies
- Appraisals for the revaluation of real property
- Consultations for loss prevention