Our Business Philosophy
C & P s.r.l. business philosophy is to present a structure of the dimension and with the organization that make it possible to offer the client an exclusive professional partner. The individual expert can be identified each time by mutual agreement, based on a specific request or the need for knowledge in a specific area, effectively removing the problem of depersonalization which often occurs in relations with larger companies.
Because a high degree of individual professionalism is indispensable at all levels, a great deal of attention is given to continuing education and to the quality of service, always essential, in any case, in the Loss Adjustment of Specialty Claims.
C & P s.r.l. “core business” is, therefore, to achieve the Customer’s complete satisfaction by utilizing a highly qualitative methodology and the most reliable professional content.
All of the senior operatives have a degree in Engineering from Milan’s Polytechnical University. They are licensed professionals and are enrolled in the Order of Engineers. They also have received an advanced degree entitled “Master in Insurance Engineering – Loss Adjustment”, from the same University, offered as a part of the specialized courses organized by CINEAS (Consorzio Universitario per l’Ingegneria nelle Assicurazioni – University Consortium for Engineering in Insurance).
In December 2016 they achieved with CERSA the certification “Perito Liquidatore Assicurativo – Insurance Loss Adjuster” according to standard UNI 11628, contemplated in Law 4/2013 (ref. art. 9, c.2).
The Senior partners have also achieved the status of “Periti CLASS” (Cineas Loss Adjuster Senior Specialist) from CINEAS.